Contact US

In Case of Emergency, Call 911.

For non-emergency communication with us, call us at (859) 384-3342, or complete the form below. You may also send faxes to Fax:(859)384-5281

union fire protection district kentucky engine 651
union fire protection distict ladder 660

Our Stations

Our equipment and staff are located at strategic locations in our District in order to facilitate rapid, timely responses to emergencies.

Fire Station 71 is located at 9611 U.S. Highway 42. Station 71 is staffed by 5 full-time career members and weekly administrative staff, as well as, the majority of our volunteer members. Station 71 houses two Engines, one Tanker, one Ambulance, one Aerial Ladder Truck, one Utility Truck, one Brush truck, and our Command Staff Vehicles.

Station 72 is now open! On the corner of New Haven School Road and Hicks Pike, This station is staffed by 5 full-time personnel. Station 72 houses one Engine and one Ambulance.

Fire Station 73 is located at 4837 Beaver Rd between East bend Power Plant and Big Bone State Park. This station is currently closed due to staffing. When our staffing allows, this station will have 2 personnel at that time. Station 73 houses one Engine, one Ambulance.